近日,开放图书馆(OPEN ACCESS LIBRARY,简称OALIB)对外公布,其下收录或被检索的200多万篇学术科技论文文献,全部对用户免费开放下载。科研文献数据库是国内外学者做学术研究必须用到的参考依据和引用来源。全世界也存在大量这样的数据库,但大学和研究机构每年都需要支付大笔经费用于购买这些数据库的使用权。对独立研究者来说,获取科研文献更是需要投入大笔个人资金。据不完全统计,一位学者完成一篇论文前期
Recently, the OPEN ACCESS LIBRARY (OALIB) was released to the public. More than 2 million academic papers published or retrieved under the library were all freely and freely available to download. The research literature database is the reference and reference source that scholars at home and abroad must use to do academic research. There are also a large number of such databases around the world, but universities and research institutes need to pay significant sums each year to buy these databases. For independent researchers, access to research literature is the need to invest a large sum of personal funds. According to incomplete statistics, a scholar completed a pre-thesis