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主送机关:直属各部门、各省市人民政府:本区出版的期刊杂志往往在其所战的文章中泄露了国家机密,这种严重现象之所以发生,主要是出版者和著作者都很少或没有保守国家机密的认识,或不知什幺是机密,以及编审人员对保密的警觉性不高,政治上麻痹大意所毁。据本会新闻出版局报告:在一九五一年一月至二月两个月中,在内部刊物方面,有河南税务局编印的“税务通讯”在所载税源调查的文章中,以具体数字和详细表格泄露了河南煤矿的产量;青年团湖北省工委编印的“湖北青运资料”在所载三篇文章中,发表了华新水泥公司的厂址及每日 The main delivery agencies: directly under the various departments, provincial and municipal governments: the district published journals and magazines often confidential articles leaked state secrets, this serious phenomenon occurs, mainly the publisher and the author are very few Or lack of awareness of state secrets, or unknown secrets, and the edicts’ low awareness of confidentiality and political ruin. According to the report of the Press and Publication Bureau of this Council: In the January-February period of February 1951, in the internal publications, there was an article published in the Tax Sources Survey compiled by the Henan Revenue Agency , With specific figures and detailed forms leaked the output of Henan coal mines; Youth League Hubei Provincial Work Committee compiled “Hubei Qingyun information” contained in the three articles contained, the site of Huaxin Cement Company and daily
黑河專員公署:各市縣旗人民政府: 一年來各縣旗领導上對檢察署工作一般??很重视,對於建立機構與配備幹部都有了成绩,但仍有少数縣旗已建立機構還是空搭架子,有名无实,未見開
连云港港与许多大中型企业一样,随着社会主义市场经济机制的进一步发展,港口货运市场发生急剧变化,计划内货源越来越小,各港之间竞争激烈。 连云港港审时度势,认识到要使我