Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Dating and Geochemical Characteristics of Late Variscan Granites of the Daitongsh

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Daxing’anling(大兴安岭) area is one of the regions that Phanerozoic granites are extremely developed in NW China. At present, the Hercynian granitoid research lags behind the Mesozoic granitoid research. In this article, we have taken systematic petrochemistry and geochronology researches on the Hercynian granitoids in Daitongshan(代铜山) copper deposit and Lamahanshan(喇嘛罕山) silver polymetallic deposit, which were located at southern section of Daxing’anling metallogenic belt. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating results show that, the granite aplites in Daitongshan and the gneissic granites inLamahanshan were formed at(265±5)–(268±9)Ma and(252±2)–(252.6±3.4) Ma, respectively,which were both the products of late Herynian tectonic-magmatic events. Samples from Lamahanshan are characterized by high SiO2(69.72wt.%–74.65 wt.%), high potassium(3.53wt.%–4.55 wt.%) and low P2O5(0.03 wt.%–0.12wt.%), aluminum saturation index(A/CNK)range from 0.95 to 0.98, Rb, Nd and K are enriched, whereas the elements such as Nb, Ta, P and Ti are depleted, which belong to I-type granitoids. Characteristics of samples from Daitongshan are similar to H-type granitoids. The magmasource may be mostly originated from the lithospheric mantle component which were transformated or affected by the subduction components, and its formation may be closely related with the subduction and orogenesis of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. At present, the Hercynian granitoid research lags behind the Mesozoic granitoid research. In this article, we have taken systematic petrochemistry and geochronology researches on the Daxing’anling (Daxinganling) area is one of the regions that Phanerozoic granites are extremely developed in NW China. Hercynian granitoids in Daitongshan copper deposit and Lamahanshan (polymetallic deposit), which were located at southern section of Daxing’anling metallogenic belt. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating results show that the granite aplites in Daitongshan and the gneissic granites inLamahanshan were formed at (265 ± 5) - (268 ± 9) Ma and (252 ± 2) - (252.6 ± 3.4) Ma, respectively, which were both the products of late Herynian tectonic-magmatic events. from Lamahanshan are characterized by high SiO2 (69.72 wt.% - 74.65 wt.%), high potassium (3.53 wt.% - 4.55 wt.%) and low P2O5 (A / CNK) range from 0.95 to 0.98, Rb, Nd and K are enr iched, whereas the elements such as Nb, Ta, P and Ti are depleted, which belong to I-type granitoids. Characteristics of samples from Daitongshan are similar to H-type granitoids. The magmasource may be mostly originated from the lithospheric mantle component which were transformated or affected by the subduction components, and its formation may be closely related with the subduction and orogenesis of the Paleo-Asian Ocean.
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摘要:体育教学中的厌学现象已经成为广大体育教育工作者思考和亟待解决的问题。从快乐体育的角度,通过丰富教材内容、建立三维教立体的教学评价体系、灵活的教学方法和组织形式等途径,减少甚至杜绝“体育厌学”现象的发生,以推动学校改革的发展。  关键词:体育厌学 快乐体育 问题与思考    《中国教育改革与发展纲要》指出:“中小学要由‘应试教育’转向全面提高国民素质的轨道。”应“促进学生生动活泼地发展”。与其