血管迷走反射是经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(PT-CA)病人在拔除动脉鞘管压迫动脉过程中或拔管后沙袋压迫过程中的一种较常见并发症,通过及时用药(阿托品、多巴胺、补液等)处理即可纠正。但如 PTCA 术后未能仔细观察并及时处理,亦可导致严重临床后果。本文对我院开展 PTCA 以来发生血管迷走反射的病例加以分析,以期为临床早期识别与及时处理提供参考。
Vasovagal reflex is one of the more common complications of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PT-CA) in the process of compression of the artery by the arterial sheath or extubation of the punctured sandbags. By timely administration (atropine, dopamine , Rehydration, etc.) can be corrected. However, if not observed after PTCA surgery and timely treatment, can also lead to serious clinical consequences. This article analyzes the cases of vasovagal reflex since PTCA in our hospital, in order to provide a reference for early clinical identification and timely treatment.