100年前爆发的义和团运动,是在极其繁杂尖锐 的社会矛盾中产生和发展的,对当时中国社会各阶级 改造中国的运动产生了积极的影响,在义和团运动 100周年之际,本文就此问题进行探讨,以求教于师 友。 一、义和团运动沉重地打击了帝国主义瓜分中国 的图谋,唤起了中华民
The Boxers Movement that broke out 100 years ago originated and developed in the extremely complicated and acute social contradictions. It had a positive impact on the movement of all classes in China at that time to transform China. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Boxers’ Discuss in order to teach in the mentor. First, the Yihetuan Movement has dealt a heavy blow to the attempts of the imperialists to divide China and evoke the Chinese people