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气览神遥雄五岳天造地设势仙阙轩辕炼丹飞升去惟留黄山天下奇夫黄山者,天下第一奇山也。概因天开地启,斗转星移,沧桑数劫,地壳隆起,山崩地裂,海水刨蚀,风雨剥凌,冰川搬移。剧烈频繁之造山运动,大自然之鬼斧神工,造就黄山之如此冰川地貌,花岗岩峰林,罕世奇观也。胜哉!遍览天下名山,集秀、美、奇、幻于一体者,非黄山莫属也。凭顶远眺,山体磐礡,云峰相接,峰林苍黛,峭壁撑天;层峦众 Cherishing the gods Yao Xiong Wu Yue Tian made ground set Xianque Xuanyuan alchemy soar to stay Huangshan world Qifu Huangshan, the best in the world Qi Shan also. The reason is that the sky is open, the twists and turns, the vicissitudes of several robbery, the crustal uplift, landslides, sea water planing, wind and rain stripping, glacier removal. Dramatic and frequent orogeny, the gods of nature, created this glacier Huangshan landscape, granite peaks, the wonders of the won also. Katsuya! Visit the world famous, set show, the United States, odd, magic in one, none other than non-Huangshan also. By the top overlooking the mountain Panjian, Yunfeng phase, Fenglin Cang Dai, the cliff stays up;
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消失的乡村  螺陀转起来了  转得快 转得圆  像电视上的芭蕾  脚尖稳稳立定  现在谁还能将木头削成螺陀  谁还有工夫扬鞭凝望 目不转睛  跳彩绳 踢毽子  就像八仙过海  一步一跳 一步一踢  一闪一闪 五彩缤纷  直到太阳落坡鸟儿归林  现在 绳子挂在墙上  毽子扔在屋角  没人理睬 无影无声  清清的堰塘  只有水鸟时而扑动水波  谁去享受烈日下的微风阵阵  水草 荷花 鱼儿 彩云  谁有
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
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<正> 世界的气候,类型复杂多样,各有特点,分布面广,是学习世界地理的难点。如何使学生掌握这一节内容,又能训练其思维能力,是教师要解决的重要问题。我以为,在学习这一章节时