
来源 :农家参谋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liweimin90
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微商售卖的产品多种多样,从化妆品到食品类、红酒……可谓应有尽有,但是现在有一种微商特别火,那就是农产品微商,农产品这么火很多人都想去做,那么农产品该怎么做微商呢?一、做好前期准备工作我卖的就是特产,卖的是地方特产,所以必须要对它进行包装,一个好东西如何让人家注意和产生购买欲望,包装显得很重要。 There are many kinds of micro-commerce products, ranging from cosmetics to foodstuffs and red wine ... but now there is a special micro-business fire, that is, the micro-traders of agricultural products, so many people want to do agricultural products, so how to produce agricultural products Do micro-trade? First, do a good job in the preparatory work I sell is a specialty, selling local specialty, so it must be packaged, a good thing how to make people pay attention and the desire to produce, packaging is very important.
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