概 论1 91 0年Г .Ц .齐比科夫 (Г .Ц .Цыбиков)首次向欧洲读者介绍了阿旺丹达尔 (Агван -Дандар)及其在哲学、语文学方面的研究著作① 。 1 91 6年科学院院士Ф .И .谢尔巴茨科依( Щербатской)专门撰文介绍了阿旺丹达尔的生平及其学术研究
INTRODUCTION Г.Ц. Я .Ц .Цыбиков for the first time introduced Åгван-Дандар and its philosophical and linguistic studies to European readers. 1 91 6 years Academy of Sciences Ф. И. Sier Bazikeyi (Щербатской) devoted author wrote a brief introduction of the life of Awang Dandar and its academic research