Network and software integration pose severe challenges in cyber-security for controller area network(CAN)-based automotive cyber-physical system(ACPS), therefore we employ message authentication code(MAC) to defend CAN against masquerade attack, but the consequent bandwidth overhead makes it a necessity to find the tradeoff among security, real-time and bandwidth utilization for signal packing problem(SPP) of CAN.A mixed-security signal model is firstly proposed to formally describe the properties and requirements on security and real-time for signals, and then a mixed-integer linear programming(MILP)formulation of SPP security-aware signal packing(SASP) is implemented to solve the tradeoff problem, where the bandwidth utilization is improved and the requirements in both security and real-time are met. Experiments based on both society of automotive engineers(SAE) standard signal set and simulated signal set showed the effectiveness of SASP by comparing with the state-of-the-art algorithm.
Network and software integration posing severe challenges in cyber-security for controller area network (CAN) -based automotive cyber-physical system (ACPS), therefore we employ message authentication code (MAC) to defend CAN against masquerade attack, but consequent bandwidth overhead makes it a necessity to find the tradeoff among security, real-time and bandwidth utilization for signal packing problem (SPP) of CAN.A mixed-security signal model is initially proposed to formally describe the properties and requirements on security and real-time for signals, and then a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation of SPP security-aware signal packing (SASP) is implemented to solve the tradeoff problem, where the bandwidth utilization is improved and the requirements in both security and real-time are met Experiments based on both society of automotive engineers (SAE) standard signal set and simulated signal set showed the effectiveness of SASP by comparing with the state-of-the-art algor ithm.