吉娃莲,又名吉娃娃,为景天科石莲花属多年生肉质草本植物,植株小型无茎,叶盘呈非常紧凑的莲座状排列。卵形叶较厚,顶端带小尖。蓝绿至灰绿、淡绿色,并被有浓厚的白粉,顶端的小尖及叶缘均呈美丽的玫瑰红或深粉红色。 吉娃莲原产墨西哥达瓦瓦州的干旱地区,由于该地区海拔较高,故虽有强烈的阳光,却气候冷凉。吉娃莲喜排水、透气性良好的沙质土壤,因其生长缓慢,土壤不必含有太多的养分,施肥与否要求不严。但夏季高温时要绝对禁止施肥,也不能浇太多的水,若看到老叶萎缩,应停止浇水,否则植株很容易腐烂。此外,还要加强通风,忌高温和闷热潮湿。其它季节可
Geva lotus, also known as the Chihuahua, is a perennial succulent herb of Sedum, which is a small, stemless plant with a very compact rosette arrangement. Oval leaves thicker, apical tip. Blue-green to gray-green, light green, and was a strong white powder, the tip of the tip and the leaf edges were beautiful rose pink or dark pink. Originally native to Davawalia, Mexico, the arid region is chilly, due to its high sunshine and high altitudes. Gervandi hi drainage, good permeability of sandy soil, because of its slow growth, the soil does not have to contain too much nutrients, fertility requirements or not lax. However, when the summer high temperature is absolutely banned fertilization, it can not be poured too much water, if you see old leaves shrunk, you should stop watering, or the plant is easy to decay. In addition, but also to enhance ventilation, avoid high temperature and hot and humid. Other seasons can be