今年是中国化学会成立六十周年,也是本刊创刊二十周年。我们编辑部全体同志和全国化学工作者一样,为我国化学学科的蓬勃发展和为国民经济建设服务所取得的巨大成就而欢欣鼓舞! 分析化学作为化学学科的一个分支,在科学研究,国民经济和国防建设中愈来愈发挥着重要的作用。现代分析化学发展到今天,已成为获取各种物质尽可能全面的化学组成和结构信息的学科体系,即已进入“分析科学”的时代。随着数学、计算机科学、信息科学和生物学
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Chemical Society, which is also the twentieth anniversary of the founding of this journal. Like all other chemical workers in our country, our editorial department rejoice in the tremendous achievements made by our chemical discipline and in serving the national economy. As a branch of chemistry, analytical chemistry plays an important role in scientific research, the national economy and More and more, the national defense construction plays an important role. Today, the development of modern analytical chemistry has become a disciplinary system for obtaining the most comprehensive chemical composition and structural information of various substances, that is, it has entered the era of “analytical science.” With Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Science and Biology