The girl is 40 years old. He was admitted to hospital on February 18, 1998 with a left lower abdominal pain of 10 days and aggravated fever 2 days. The patient was physically healthy and had no history of acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease. Physical examination: T38.1°C, BP16/11kPa, no abnormality in cardiopulmonary auscultation. Soft abdomen, right lower quadrant tenderness (+), no rebound tenderness, lower abdomen middle fist-size mass, soft, unclear state, shifting dullness (-). Gynecological examination: After the uterus, there is a mass of 10cm×10cm×6cm in front of the uterus. Its quality is poor, tenderness (+), and it is closely related to the uterus. There is tenderness in the left attachment area. Laboratory tests WBC 10.2 × 10~9/L, N0.76, L0.24. B-show: normal uterus