古往今来,我国有不少文人墨客喜欢给自己的 居室或书斋题写雅名,其中许多以花木命名的,寓意深刻,颇有情趣。 宋代名相李纲常以桂花品格自勉,亲植桂花以明志并把他自己的书斋命名为“桂斋”。后来,清代民族英雄林则徐在李纲祠旁筑成书房也命之为“桂斋”。
Throughout the ages, many literati in our country like to write names for their own living room or for study. Many of them are named after flowers and trees, which implies profound taste and interest. Song Gang Li Guichang to osmanthus personality Chi Mian, pro-Osmanthus Ming Chi and his own book named fasting “Gui Zhai.” Later, in the Qing Dynasty, Lin Zexu, a national hero, built a study next to the Li Zangci and called it “Gui Zhai.”