Timber Waste=Environmentally Friendly Particle Fuel?

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  “A lot of trucks were parked on the streets of the Haizhu District, Guangzhou, with all kinds of timber waste on them. In a building covering more than 5000 square meters, timber waste was piling up. The timber waste went through a machine and became snipe-sized particle fuel.” This was what the journalist saw in the first Processing Center of the Lignocellulose Waste Resource, on the second day after the closure of the Second Session of the Canton Fair.
  Thousands of tons of timber waste are produced after every year’s Canton Fair. “In the past, the waste was mostly buried or burned. However, there was not enough space for burying all of them and the gas produced in burning could directly pollute the air,” said the person-in-charge of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative of Haizhu District, Guangzhou. In October, the first Processing Center of the Lignocellulose Waste Resource was established in Haizhu District, and the timer waste was transformed into environmentally friendly biomass particles. It not only prevents the air from polluting, but also replaces coal, diesel fuel and heavy oil as the fuel for boilers. Thus, the timber waste became something useful.
  The recycling of resource is imperative
  In China, places like Haizhu District, Guangzhou produce a large amount of timber waste. It is also a common phenomenon to see large pieces of furniture were abandoned on streets and nobody cared to clean them. People can usually read news about “how frustrating it is to deal with old furniture”. The journalist randomly interview several people about how they view the issues of abandoned furniture and timber waste. “I think there should be a recycling center to deal with them together.” “Maybe we can make use of the timber as fuel.” “Dump them in the laystall and let the dustman do it.” It is not difficult to find that the handling of timber waste is still very problematic for most people.
  Relevant data show that the reusable timber waste that has been abandoned in China is as much as tens of millions cube meters. A scholar said, “The abandoned timber can still be of good quality after processing and work as merit material of timber industry, so we can make use of the timber waste as a resource; the timber waste that cannot be reused can also be exploited as biomass fuel. Its thermal value is very close to ordinary coal in China, and there is nearly no SO2 and NOx produced in the burning process. It is very clean and harmless to the environment. The dust after burning can be used as very good fertilizers for agriculture production. Properly handling the timber waste not only saves the resources, but also protect our planet.”   There is an old saying in China: “We should make the best possible use of men and material”, which cannot be more suitable for the situation of dealing with timber waste. On one hand, it requires people to exploit their talents to create and develop the techniques of resource recycling; on the other hand, people need to dig into the value of reusable waste to reduce environmentally pollution.
  China is one of the countries that are in relative shortage of timber resources, whose forest area per capita is less than one fourth of the world’s average level. As the consumption of timber resource is continuously increasing, the contradiction between supply and demand is becoming sharper and sharper. In the background of promoting recycling economy and reusing resources, the recycling of timber waste is also at a crucial moment.
  Some people have conducted an investigation and they found that the utilization ratio of a set of solid wood furniture is only 25-30%. Abandoning such expensive furniture is harmful to the environment, and also a huge waste of timber resources. Practices have shown that putting together the timber wastes and recycling them can reduce the consumption of forest resources and save our country’s resources, in order to form a system of green economy and realize sustainable development. A person-in-charge of China's National Development and Reform Commission said that timer conservation and substitution is a significant part of developing cycling economy and building a conservation-minded society, so we should improve the utilization ratio and cyclic utilization ratio, and reduce the consumption of timber resource.
  Energy saving and environmentally protection is the prior one in the seven strategies of the “12th Five-year Plan”. In order to solve the problems caused by timber waster, and the National and local governments have issued many policies regarding saving timber resource and substitution. The state council pointed out in Advice for Pushing Forward the Timber Resource Conservation and Substitution: “We should establish the recycling scheme for timber resource and realize the recycling of timber resources, regulate the recycling channels of timber waste and establish the recycling, processing and utilization system of timber waste, nurture the market for timber waste in the suitable areas and the periphery of large and medium-sized cities, conduct tests at selected points for recycling and reusing timber waste, and launch the industrial programs for recycling timber waste and pay special attention to the recycling and reuse of building timber, waste wooden furniture, disposable wooden products, and wooden packing material.” Guangdong Province also issued the “12th Five-Year Plan” Developing Plan for Energy Saving Industry of Guangdong Province, which pointed out: “In respect of recycling waste furniture, we will set Shunde District as key area, on the basis of three furniture production cities – Foshan, Dongguan, and Shenzhen, in order to lead the trend of recycling and reusing waste furniture and establish Foshan-Zhaoqing Comprehensive Utilization Base of Timber Waste.” This document triggered heat discussion in society once it is issued.   China: There are models of recycling and reusing of Timber waste
  As the lack of resources becomes more and more apparent, in response to the voice of “Green Earth” and ecological safety, the international community is paying increasing attention to the handling of timber waste and the recycling of all kinds of resources is also conducted. Actually, the Processing Center of the Lignocellulose Waste Resource in Haizhu District, Guangzhou, is not the first institution to focus on dealing with timber waste.
  For a long time, the timber waste has been burned or buried altogether with other dumps. There have been a lot of research results regarding the utilization of timber waste, but few of them have been put into practice. With the joint efforts of governments and enterprises, at present, many mature recycling institutions of timber waste have appeared in China and timber waste has got a chance of reborn. An expert said, “There is a lot of space for recycling waste wooden furniture and other timber waste. Waste wooden products can be reprocessed for wooden floor and recycled paper, and broken bits of timber can also be made sandwich plate to reduce the consumption of timber resource.”
  Early in 2005, the first recycling center was established in Putuo District, Shanghai. Waste furniture like sofas and closets can be processed in the wood burning air heater in this center, which saves a large amount of expenditure of making organic forage. Shanghai Wanxiang Wood Industry is the first enterprise in China that uses timber waste to produce fiber board and chipboard. After reproduction, the waste doors, windows, furniture, and residual timber can replace furniture, decoration, packing materials, and building materials. In Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, people collect timber waste and reprocess them into kinds of usable timber according to the demand of market. An expert Zhou Yushen told us that in Baoding, Hebei Province people use timber waste to make laminated wood board; Wenan, Hebei Province starts its artificial board industry from using timber waste; in Beijing University of Chemical Technology people produce the structural building material on a certain proportion of mixed timber waste and plastic waste; Wuhan Modern Industrial Technology Research Institute also exploits the compound decorative wood molding made from timber waster and plastic waste; in Hefei, Anhui Province people launched a new project of timber and plastic waste to produce new wooden-plastic products. Such projects that recycle the timber waste open a new chapter of recycling timber resource and sustainable development and promote the new model of recycling resources. In the meantime of reducing pollution, they also derive a new model of green economy, which make contributions to the balanced development of the world’s ecology.   However, the reporter found that although some progresses have been made in the field of recycling timber waste, more endeavor from all of the people are needed to form a real industrial pattern due to the limits of finance and technology. What is more important is to arouse people’s awareness of protecting the environment and being responsible for recycling resources.
  Other countries: Legislation and financial subsidence guarantees the recycling of timber waste
  When the environmentally problems such as tsunami, earthquake, global warming and mud-rock flow emerge, when more and more landslide incidents and water loss and soil erosion are caused by over-exploitation and forest devastation, many developed countries come to realize that it is imperative to protect water, soil, and forest resources. Economically developed countries including Italy, Japan, Spain, Germany, and Canada with strong consciousness of environmentally protection realized the importance of recycling timber waste earlier. It is known that early in 1990s, USA, France, Japan and other countries started the recycling and reusing of timber waste.
  In 1980s, the Japanese government issued many regulations on collecting and recycling the timber waste such as Environmentally Basic Law, Basic Law on Promoting Cyclic Society, Law on Waste Disposal Method, Law on Recycling Building Material, Green Purchase Regulations, and etc and provided subsidies for the relevant enterprises,. Japan also regulated in relevant law that the recycling ratio of timber waste should reach 98% before 2010. The legislations and financial subsidies make foundation for the recycling of timber waste in Japan, which make Japan become the few countries that have rich experience in recycling resources.
  Similarly as Japan, in March, 2003, Germany also issued a legislative document regarding the recycling of timber waste, which forbade random burying timber waste. It is said that Germany can produce hundreds of tons of timber waste every year, and many companies would recycle the waste furniture as well as the branches that cannot be used to generate electricity. Transforming waste to “treasure” that can generate electricity shows Germany’s respect for resources and cherish for ecological protection.
  In Italy, with the governmental policies’ support, social research institutions’ participation, people’s cooperation and enterprises’ investment, the timber waste is no longer a concern for environment, but become a complementary resource. For instance, the Mauro Saviola Group is a big enterprise that uses urban timber waste to produce artificial wooden board. It can produce 1,500,000 m3 chipboards every year, and the original materials are all timber waste.   In addition, there are also some countries that push the disposal and recycling of timber waste through limiting the disposal time of waste. Spain, for example, regulates that littering improperly will be fined, and the waste furniture like refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner and other wooden furniture can only be dumped on regulated date and in certain period of time.
  Nowadays, we have to admit that ecological safety is in relation of the survival of every individual and nation. It’s discernible that both developed countries and developing countries have put the disposal and recycling of timber waste in their agendas. On one hand, timber waste has its value. Through reprocess, it can be made into biological fuel or used to generate electricity, which can realize the goal of energy saving and emission reduction and help to create the cyclic green ecologic system; on the other hand, the proper disposal of timer waste can reduce the pollution of water, soil, and air.
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