The third day, Zhang Zhen Kai called two young artists in Yongjia Liu Shenpeng, Zhou Yongping. 10:45 came to Yongjia First Middle School, Liu Shenpeng, Zhou Yongping have been waiting for us there. Our newly built “Museum of Art” building has aroused our interest. SHMJ: There are art galleries in your school. With so much architectural space, it’s hard to imagine that you would be in a middle school. Shen-Peng Liu: Yes, this is specifically covered by the school. SHMJ: What is the main function of this art museum? Liu Shenpeng: This floor has music, art, art materials, art education and art appreciation, most of which are for creative use. SHMJ: The school attaches great importance to this piece of art, you usually draw more time? Shen-Peng Liu: There is time. The unit gave me a lot of convenience, some units want me to tune in the past, I have quit.