急性有机磷中毒 ( AOPP)常可致心脏损害 ,严重时可发生心脏骤停 ,乃重度 AOPP的主要死因之一 [1,2 ]。故探索早期有效防治措施 ,减轻或避免心脏损害 ,对降低 AOPP病死率具有重要临床价值。我们选用安定 +异搏定对 70例 AOPP患者进行了防治心脏损害的临床治疗观察 ,取得较满意疗
Acute organophosphate poisoning (AOPP) can often cause heart damage, cardiac arrest can occur in severe cases, is one of the major causes of death AOPP [1,2]. Therefore, to explore effective early prevention and treatment measures to reduce or avoid heart damage, reduce AOPP mortality has important clinical value. We choose the stability and verapamil on 70 cases of AOPP patients were treated for the prevention and treatment of cardiac injury clinical observation and obtain satisfactory treatment