一、初中英语课堂教学细节存在的问题(一)初中英语课堂教学设计方面的细节问题1.缺乏真实性的课堂导人设计课堂教学研讨活动中,学生看到有很多听课老师,感到很紧张,教师发现学生很紧张,老师自己也倍感紧张,老师就无法及时调整自己的课堂设计及课堂言语设计。如果教师发现学生很紧张,随手拿起放在讲台桌上的水杯,慢悠悠地喝了一口水,说“I’m nervous,too.”学生都笑了,原先的紧张感一下子抛在了脑后,
First, the junior high school English classroom teaching details of the problems (A) junior high school English classroom design details of the problem 1. Lack of authenticity in the classroom guide design classroom teaching activities, students saw a lot of listening to teachers, I feel very nervous, Teachers found that students are nervous, the teacher himself feel nervous, the teacher can not adjust their classroom design and classroom speech design. If the teacher finds the student nervous, pick up the glass on the podium table and take a sip of the water, saying, “I’m nervous, too.” The students all laughed and the original sense of tension thrown at once After the brain,