各位首长,各位来宾,全院师生员工同志们: 我们刚刚欢度了建国34周年国庆,今天又欢聚一堂,庆祝武汉医学院校庆。我们的心情无比兴奋。武汉医学院是1951年院系调整时,由上海同济大学医学院、武汉大学医学院和汉口协和医院合并组成的。当时定名为中南同济医学院,1955年又更名为武汉医学院,至今已有32年。从武汉医学院前身——同济大学医学院算起,武汉医学院已有76年的历史了。建国以来,我院举行如此隆重的校庆活动,还是第一次。今天,应邀参加校庆大会的有卫生部,
Distinguished leaders, ladies and gentlemen, staff and students of the entire school: We have just celebrated the National Day of the 34th anniversary of the founding of the People Republic of China and today we gather together to celebrate the celebration of Wuhan Medical College. Our mood is extremely excited. Wuhan Medical College was a faculty adjustment in 1951, which consisted of the merger of Shanghai Tongji University Medical College, Wuhan University Medical College and Hankou Union Hospital. At that time, it was named Zhongnan Tongji Medical College, and in 1955 it changed its name to Wuhan Medical College. It has been 32 years. From the predecessor of Wuhan Medical College - Tongji University Medical College, Wuhan Medical College has 76 years of history. Since the founding of our country, our school held such a grand celebration, is the first time. Today, invited to attend the congress of the Ministry of Health,