2010年5月16日至23日,中国上海的洛克·外滩源将被打造成一个艺术品大放光芒的殿堂。在此举行的上海国际艺术精品展览会已然被誉为世博会期间在上海的一大亮点 2010年的春天,拥有悠久历史的上海洛克·外滩源将盛情迎来第二届上海国际艺术精品展览会,展出日期定于5月16日至5月23日。届时,美轮美奂的法国路易十四时期精品家具,来自中东和远东,在18世纪便闻名于世的精美地毯和挂毯,以及中国宋朝时期青铜佛像及动物雕塑将齐聚上海展览中心展出,共同见证这场盛大的艺术博览会。雷诺阿笔下19世纪的巴黎活色生香;毕加索的创意作品将传统永恒颠覆;
From May 16 to 23, 2010, the Rockefeldler source in Shanghai, China, will be built into a hall of shining art. The Shanghai International Fine Art Fair held here has been hailed as one of the highlights of Shanghai during the World Expo 2010 Spring in Shanghai, with a long history, Shanghai Lockerbie will welcome the Second Shanghai International Fine Arts Exhibition, The exhibition date is from May 16 to May 23. By then, the magnificent French Louis XIV period furniture, from the Middle East and the Far East, in the 18th century will be known for its exquisite carpets and tapestries, as well as China’s Song and Jin Dynasties bronze Buddha statues and animal sculptures will be gathered in the Shanghai Exhibition Center Witness this grand art fair. Renoir penned the 19th century Paris living color; Picasso’s creative works will subvert the tradition forever;