
来源 :军事医学科学院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qsk
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为充分展示军事医学领域的科研成果,适应时代需求,促进学科发展,经新闻出版总署批准,《军事医学科学院院刊》从2011年第1期起更名为《军事医学》,刊号变更为CN11-5950/R,ISSN1674-9960,刊期改为月刊。《军事医学》仍由军事医学科学院主管、主办,以发表军事医学研究成果为主,兼 In order to fully display the achievements in scientific research in the field of military medicine, adapt to the needs of the times and promote the development of disciplines, the Journal of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences has been renamed as “Military Medicine” since 2011, and the issue number has been changed to CN11-5950 / R, ISSN1674-9960, the issue is changed to monthly. Military medical science is still under the charge of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and hosted by the State Council to issue military medical research results.