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岁月从容而矫健地步入2009年的金秋十月,亿万中华儿女以高昂的激情应和着掌声、笑声、欢呼声,沸腾着幅员辽阔的华夏大地,祝福祖国母亲的60华诞。六十年光阴,弹指一挥间。在中国共产党的领导下,勤劳智慧的衡阳人民同心同德,开拓奋进,使一座衰败破落、满目疮痍的城市逐步走向了繁荣与复兴。这60年,是衡阳历史上经济社会发展最好的时期, Years calmly and vigorously into the autumn of 2009 in October, hundreds of millions of Chinese children with high passion and with applause, laughter, cheers, boasting a vast Huaxia earth, blessing the motherland’s 60 birthday. Sixty years time, fingertips. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the industrious and wise people of Hengyang work together to forge ahead so that a decadent and devastating city will gradually move toward prosperity and rejuvenation. This 60 years is the best economic and social development in Hengyang history,