
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gzliao2
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实施背景近几年,国家电网公司(以下简称国网公司)通过创新发展,管理水平有了较大提高,企业经济效益和竞争能力大幅提升。但与世界一流企业相比,在管理上还存在一定差距,集中表现在资源不集约、工作不协同、信息不畅通、管理不统筹等问题,已成为制约企业做强做优、快速发展的瓶颈。为此,国网公司围绕建设“两个一流”(世界一流电网、国际一流企业)战略目标,作出了全面推进“三集五大”体系建设(深化人、财、物集约化管理,全面推进“大规划、大建设、大运行、大检修、大营销”体系建设)的工作部署。“三集五大”作为深刻的管理变革,集团总部是龙头和核心,具有较强的指导和示范意义,必须强化管理、提升水平,促进目标统一、高效互动,更好地增强公司战略协同、提升管理层 Implementation Background In recent years, State Grid Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the State Grid Corporation) through innovation and development, management has greatly improved the level of economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises increased significantly. However, compared with the first-rate enterprises in the world, there are still some gaps in management. The focus is on the bottleneck that restricts the enterprises’ ability to do well and to achieve rapid development, such as the lack of resources, the uncoordination of work, the unavailability of information and the unmanagement of management. . Therefore, on the strategic goal of building “two first-class” (world-class power grids and world-class enterprises), State Grid Corporation has made a comprehensive push forward with the “three sets and five major” systems (deepening the management of people, property and materials intensification , And comprehensively promoted the work plan of “planning, big construction, large operation, overhauling and big marketing” system construction. As a profound management reform, the group headquarters is the leader and core, which has strong guidance and demonstration significance. It is necessary to strengthen management, upgrade the level, promote the unity of objectives and efficient interaction, and better enhance the strategic coordination of the company , Improve management
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本公司急招钢铁冶炼专业技术人员10名,从事炼钢冶金原辅材料研究开发工作,待遇从优。本公司详情请参阅《炼钢》杂志本期前彩插2。联系电话:021-56156100人力资源部李经理 Th
在美国曼哈顿城,有一座著名的渥道夫·爱斯特莉亚饭店,它的第一任总经理乔治·伯特,以前只是一家旅馆的普通服务生,一个偶然的机会,使他用真诚改善了自己一生的命运。 那是