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水压式沼气池储气箱密封性能的好坏直接关系到人工制取沼气的成败及其经济效益。在现行推广的混凝土沼气池中,由于常温下硬化的水泥通常是由水化水泥、未水化的水泥熟料,水和少量空气以及由水和空气占有的孔隙网所组成的固—液—气三相多孔体系,其中存在着不同尺度的孔隙网及宏观和亚微观缺陷。因此我们在考虑到夹层水密封能为沼气池提供良好地自身运转蓄水养护条件、使水化反应在凝结期后继续进行并生长由各种水化物组成的凝胶,不断填充、阻塞毛细孔。同时又给凝胶孔中充满凝胶水和吸附水使沼气不易通过,从而提高沼气池抗渗漏能力。又通过两年多运行观察,发现有的沼气池储气箱内壁有针状泡点,动之即落。也有的池壁出现少量白色松软沉淀物,触及亦脱落,造成表面凹凸不平。特别是以人畜粪便为发酵原料的“化粪池”,情况尤为明显。这是由于沼气池内的动态因素即腐蚀环境造成 Hydrostatic biogas storage tank sealing performance is directly related to the success of artificial biogas production and its economic benefits. In the currently practiced concrete biogas digesters, since the hardened cement at room temperature is usually a solid-liquid mixture of hydrated cement, unhydrated cement clinker, water and a small amount of air, and pore network occupied by water and air, Gas three-phase porous system, in which there are different scales of pore network and macroscopic and sub-micro-defects. Therefore, we consider that the sandwich water seal can provide good self-running water conservation conditions for biogas digesters so that the hydration reaction continues after the coagulation period and grows a gel composed of various hydrates, continuously filling and blocking the pores . At the same time, the gel hole is filled with gel water and adsorbed water to make the biogas difficult to pass, thereby improving the anti-seepage capability of the digester. After more than two years of operation and observation, it was found that some digester gas storage tank wall needle-shaped bubble point, the move that is. Some pools appeared a small amount of white soft sediment, touch also fall off, resulting in uneven surface. In particular, human and animal manure as the fermentation of raw materials, “septic tank”, the situation is particularly evident. This is due to the dynamic factors in the biogas digester, ie the corrosive environment
战友生命大如天  2012年,正在某司训大队学车的广空装备部机关战士小焦,突发急性白血病。病情严重复杂,手术和治疗费用非常高昂,突如其来的现实困难让小焦家人一筹莫展。  “战友生命重要!我们要不惜一切代价,全力救治战友!”装备部首长毫不犹豫地做出决定。部首长、机关全力以赴,找最好的医院并组织捐款,战友们纷纷献血。治疗期间,部队安排专人每天轮流去陪护,像家人一样照顾。  现在,从绝望中走出来的小焦,
“世界的其他人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你亲近。”有时候在生活中,你会找到一个特别的朋友:他只是你生活中的一部分,却能改变你整个的生活。 “When everyone else in the wo
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