Types, Evolution and Pool-Controlling Significance of Pool Fluid Sources in Superimposed Basins:A Ca

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seryanny
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Having multiple tectonic evolution stages, South China belongs to a superimposed basin in nature. Most marine gas pools became secondary pools. The pool fluid sources serve as the principal pool-controlling factors. On the basis of eight typical petroleum pools, the type, evolution in time-space, and the controlling of petroleum distribution of pool fluid sources are comprehensively analyzed. The main types of pool fluid sources include hydrocarbon, generated primarily and secondly from source rocks, gas cracked from crude oil, gas dissolved in water, inorganic gas, and mixed gases. In terms of evolution, the primary hydrocarbon was predominant prior to Indosinian; during Indosinian to Yen- shanian the secondary gas includes gas cracked from crude oil, gas generated secondarily, gas dissolved in water, and inorganic gas dominated; during Yenshanian to Himalayan the most fluid sources were mixed gases. Controlled by pool fluid sources, the pools with mixed gas sources distributed mainly in Upper Yangtze block, especially Sichuan (四川) basin; the pools with primary hydrocarbon sources distributed in paleo-uplifts such as Jiangnan (江南), but most of these pools became fossil pools; the pools with secondary hydrocarbon source distributed in the areas covered by Cretaceous and Eogene in Middle-Lower Yangtze blocks, and Chuxiong (楚雄), Shiwandashan (十万大山), and Nanpanjiang (南盘江) basins; the pools with inorganic gas source mainly formed and distributed in tensional structure areas. Having multiple tectonic evolution stages, South China belongs to a superimposed basin in nature. Most marine gas pools became secondary pools. The main types of pool fluid sources include hydrocarbons, primarily and of secondly from source rocks, gas cracked from crude oil, gas dissolved in water, inorganic gas , and mixed gases. In terms of evolution, the primary hydrocarbon was predominant prior to Indosinian; during Indosinian to Yen- shanian the secondary gas includes gas cracked from crude oil, gas generated secondarily, gas dissolved in water, and inorganic gas dominated; during Yenshanian to Himalayan the most fluid sources were mixed gases. Controlled by pool fluid sources, the pools with mixed gas sources distributed mainly in the Upper Yangtze block, especially Sichuan (Sichuan) basin; the pools with primary hydrocarbon sources distributed in paleo-uplifts such as Jiangnan (江南), but most of these pools became fossil pools; the pools with secondary hydrocarbon source distributed in the areas covered by Cretaceous and Eogene in Middle-Lower Yangtze blocks, and Chuxiong (Chuxiong), Shiwandashan (Shiwandashan), and Nanpanjiang (Nanpanjiang) basins; the pools with inorganic gas source mainly formed and distributed in tensional structure areas.
MAX1290/MAX1292为MAXIM公司新近推出的低功耗、12位、逐次逼近型A/D转换器,该转换器具有自动断电、快速唤醒(2μs)、片内时钟、内置+2.5V基准、宽字节并行接口等特点,采用单+5V模拟电源供电,VLOGIC引脚允许该器件直接与+1. Th
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