Synthesis of Nano-Size AlN Powders by Carbothermal Reduction from Plasma-Assisted Ball Milling Precu

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guojade_2009
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Nano-size aluminum nitride(AlN) powders have been successfully synthesized with a high efficiency method through annealing from milling assisted by discharge plasma(p-milling)alumina(Al_2O_3) precursors. The characterization of the p-milling Al_2O_3 powders and the synthesized AlN are investigated. Compared to conventional ball milling(c-milling), it can be found that the precursors by p-milling have a finer grain size with a higher specific surface area,which lead to a faster reaction efficiency and higher conversion to Al N at lower temperatures. The activation energy of p-milling Al_2O_3 is found to be 371.5 kJ/mol, a value that is much less than the reported value of the unmilled and the conventional milled Al_2O_3. Meanwhile, the synthesized Al N powders have unique features, such as an irregular lamp-like morphology with uniform particle distribution and fine average particle size. The results are attributed to the unique synergistic effect of p-milling, which is the effect of deformation, fracture, and cold welding of Al_2O_3 powders resulting from ball milling, that will be enhanced due to the introduction of discharge plasma. Nano-size aluminum nitride (AlN) powders have been successfully synthesized with a high efficiency method through annealing from milling assisted by discharge plasma (p-milling) alumina (Al_2O_3) precursors. The characterization of the p-milling Al_2O_3 powders and the synthesized AlN Compared investigated conventional ball milling (c-milling), it can be found that the precursors by p-milling have a finer grain size with a higher specific surface area, which lead to a faster reaction efficiency and higher conversion to Al N the activation energy of p-milling Al 2 O 3 is found to be 371.5 kJ / mol, a value that is much less than the reported value of the unmilled and the conventional milled Al 2 O 3. Meanwhile, the synthesized Al N powders have unique features , such as an irregular lamp-like morphology with uniform particle distribution and fine average particle size. The results are attributed to the unique synergistic effect of p-milling, which is the effect of de formation, fracture, and cold welding of Al_2O_3 powders caused from ball milling, that will be enhanced due to the introduction of discharge plasma.
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