
来源 :应用化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovesyb
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The N alkyl chitosans were prepared from chitosan through Schiff base formation and hydrogenation. The adsorption properties of N alkyl chitosans, bearing the same substitution degree but different carbon chain length and vice versa for Cu(Ⅱ), Hg(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) have been investigated. It is found that chitosan derivatives of the same carbon chain length show the highest adsorption capacity for tested ions, when their substitution degree is ranged in 0 35~0 39. And among the chitosan derivatives bearing the same substitution degree, N pentyl chitosan shows the highest adsorption capacity towards mentioned ions. The N alkylation chitosans were prepared from chitosan through Schiff base formation and hydrogenation. The adsorption properties of N alkyl chitosans, bearing the same substitution degree but different carbon chain length and vice versa for Cu (II), Hg (II) and Pb ) has been investigated. It is found that chitosan derivatives of the same carbon chain length show the highest adsorption capacity for the tested ions, when their substitution degree is ranged in 0 35 ~ 0 39. And among the chitosan derivatives bearing the same substitution degree, N pentyl chitosan shows the highest adsorption capacity towards referred ions.
本文利用非线性光纤环路镜成功地将中心波长为1533.9nm 的20Gb/s(8×2.5Gb/s)的OTDM 信号变换到1553.3nm 和1560.3nm ,变换的最大间距达26nm ,测量了变换后信号光的眼图和光谱图,并对实验结果进行了分析. In this paper, a 20Gb /
The Orthorhombic Ti2AlNb-based alloys (O alloys) are potential high temperature materials for applications in aircraft engines for their high specific strength.
近年来新形成的本铁路沿线地区旅游资源丰富 ,区位适中 ,具有较好的可进入性 ,其区域旅游开发存在明显优势 ;但同时存在资源优势与市场需求不相称、资源的组合结构上存在一定的“阴影”现象、旅游地主题形象不鲜明和旅游“软环境”欠佳等主要制约因素。本文在揭示优势、发现并分析问题的基础上 ,提出了该地区区域旅游业可持续发展的思路。
松轻油是利用松根经高温干馏裂解后收集到的260℃以前的馏份,因其为深褐色,具有焦臭味,大大限制了其应用范围,为扩大用途,必须对其精制.通过多次实验,得出以8% 的氢氧化钠溶
采用硅工艺设计、制作了 4× 2 88TDICCD红外焦平面HgCdTe阵列专用信号读出电路。文章详细介绍了 4× 2 88TDICCD信号读出电路的设计及制作 ,并给出了测试结果。 Using sili