闭经概念 正常的女子,平均在14岁开始出现月经来潮。如果18岁以后尚未出现月经来潮现象,或月经已经来过,中途又停经三个月或三个月以上,则称为闭经,又叫经闭。闭经这种症状对健康并无太大影响,但主要后果是影响生育功能。因此患者必须尽早找出发病原因,及时治疗。
Amenorrhea, the concept of normal women, the average age of 14 began to appear menstrual cramps. If 18 years of age have not yet appeared menstrual cramps, or menstruation has come, midway menopause three months or more than three months, then known as amenorrhea, also known as amenorrhea. Amenorrhea This symptom has little effect on health, but the main consequence is the effect on fertility. Therefore, patients must find out the cause as soon as possible, timely treatment.