Study of NMR porosity for terrestrial formation in China

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ck101newguy
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NMR logging is an effective method for porosity measurement. NMR-derived porosity only comes from the pore fluid and is, in principle, not affected by rock matrix. However, it is found that the difference between NMR-derived and conventional log-derived porosities is often between 2 to 6 pu, which is unacceptable, in terrestrial formation in China. In the paper, the theory of NMR porosity was reviewed. The influence factors on NMR porosity error were analyzed based on NMR core measurements. More than 30 core samples with a wide range of porosities including sandstone, limestone and artificial ceramic were chosen for the conventional and NMR porosity measurements. The current NMR data acquisition method was studied based on laboratory NMR core meas- urements and found to be not good for terrestrial formation. A new NMR data acquisition method suiting for terrestrial formation in China was proposed and much improved the accuracy of NMR porosity measurement. It is suggested that the analysis of core samples from different regions should be carried out before logging in order to obtain accurate NMR porosity. NMR-derived porosity only comes from the pore fluid and is, in principle, not affected by rock matrix. However, it is found that the difference between NMR-derived and conventional log-derived porosities In the paper, the theory of NMR porosity was reviewed. The influence factors on NMR porosity was reviewed based on NMR core measurements. More than 30 core samples with a wide range of porosities including sandstone, limestone and artificial ceramic were chosen for the conventional and NMR porosity measurements. The current NMR data acquisition method was studied based on laboratory NMR core meas ure ure and found to be not good for terrestrial formation. A new NMR data acquisition method suiting for terrestrial formation in China was proposed and much improved the accuracy of NMR porosity measurement. It is suggested that the analy sis of core samples from different regions should be carried out before before logging in order to obtain accurate NMR porosity.
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