一、金融创新概述创新是指各种形式的创造、革新和发展。金融创新(Financial Innovation)是把创新的概念用于金融业,是在金融领域内建立“新的生产函数”,是各种金融要素新的结合是为了追求利润机会而形成的一系列新事物,包括新的经营理念、新的金融工具、新的融资方式、新的支
I. Overview of Financial Innovation Innovation refers to various forms of creation, innovation and development. Financial Innovation is the concept of innovation used in the financial industry, is to establish a “new production function” in the financial sector, the new combination of various financial elements is the pursuit of profit opportunities and the formation of a series of new things, Including the new business philosophy, new financial instruments, new financing methods, a new branch