Mechanistic Leak—Detection Modeling for Single Gas—Phase Pipelines: Lessons

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  [a] Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA.
  Corresponding author.
  Received 18 December 2012; accepted 9 March 2013
  The use of pipelines is one of the most popular ways of delivering gas phases as shown by numerous examples in hydrocarbon transportation systems in Arctic regions, oil and gas production facilities in onshore and offshore wells, and municipal gas distribution systems in urban areas. A gas leak from pipelines can cause serious problems not only because of the financial losses associated but also its social and environmental impacts. Therefore, establishing an early leak detection model is vital to safe and secure operations of such pipeline systems.
  A leak detection model for a single gas phase is presented in this study by using material balance and pressure traverse calculations. The comparison between two steady states, with and without leak,
  One of the applications most sensitive to hydrocarbon leak is perhaps offshore hydrocarbon production and transportation systems as observed in the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and the 2010 BP Oil Spill due to their devastating social, environmental and economical impacts. During recent years, increasing deepwater hydrocarbon production has been receiving a great level of attention. Relatively large field sizes and high production rates of the offshore wells are two important characteristics of deepwater oil and gas development as illustrated by the average annual oil production in Figure 1 (Minerals Management Services [MMS], 2009). However, the inevitable use of complex drilling and production facilities and long subsea pipelines poses significant challenges in terms of technology and operation (Payne, 2007; Richardson et al., 2008).
  Figure 1
  Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Production History and Forecast (MMS, 2009)
  A safe operation of natural gas and crude oil pipelines has also been an important issue in the remote geographical locations. Failure of pipeline systems has been reported in many different locations, including Alaska, China, Russia and Arctic area (Papadakis, 1999; Papadakis, Porter, & Wettig, 1999; Rosen & Schneyer, 2011; Simonoff, Restrepo, & Zimmerman, 2010; Wang & Carroll, 2007). According to U.S. department of transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA, 2010), 653 pipeline incidents were reported annually on average in the U.S. during 2005 through 2009, which resulted in an average of 456 millions of dollars per year of property damages.   Pipeline leaks are one of the major concerns in the municipal transportation and distribution systems of natural gas as well as water supply, especially when those pipelines are located near the heavily populated urban areas. A recent major incident can be found from gas explosion in San Bruno, California on September 9, 2010 when a Pacific Gas & Electric natural gas pipeline exploded in a residential area and caused not just eight people’s death, six missing and sixty injured, but millions of dollars for repair and compensation (Berton, 2010; Hoeffel, Hennessy-Fiske, & Goffard, 2010).
  Many of the leak detection approaches can be classified into two different categories: hardware-based methods using optical fiber, acoustic sensors, chemical sensors and electrical sensors; and software-based methods using fully transient computer simulations and steady-state modeling techniques (Scott & Barrufet, 2003). Because of the complexity of leak detection phenomena, it is typically believed that there is no single perfect solution–rather, a combination of different methods is highly recommended and preferred.
  Recent leak detection modeling studies (Gajbhiye & Kam, 2008; Kam, 2010), which focused on the change in system response by comparing two steady states (with and without leak) in flowlines with two-phase gas-liquid mixtures, show that the steady-state modeling has good potential as part of early warning system. Those modeling studies also show that an accurate estimation of leak coefficient (CD), which defines how easily fluid can escape from the pipe through the leak, is critical in order to build a reliable leak detection model. Although the value of CD is regarded as the single-most important model parameter in leak detection modeling, it has not been investigated in large field-scale leak experiments so far.
  A physical phenomenon similar to pipeline leak can be found in other applications such as flow through nozzles or chokes. The suggested empirical equations typically have a proportionality constant called discharge coefficient which is similar to leak coefficient in this study (Ashford & Pierce, 1975; Gilbert, 1954; Ros, 1960; Sachdeva, Schmidt, Brill, & Blais, 1986). These studies show the magnitude of discharge coefficient depends on the design of nozzles and chokes (such as sizes and configurations), the flow of interest (such as water, oil, gas, or air), the range of flowrates passing through the system, and the surrounding conditions. For example, Ashford and Pierce (1975) show a range of 0.86-1.2 for gas-oil two-phase flow through an orifice. In both studies, the specific gravities of gas and oil were about 0.6 and 0.89 respectively, and the models were successfully compared with and verified by actual field data from an oil well. In the study of Guo, Al-Bemani, and Ghalambor (2002), the multiphase choke flow model from Sachdeva et al. (1986) was tested with field data from 239 gas condensate wells in Southwest Louisiana. Their recommendation was a discharge-coefficient value of 0.78, if gas phase is dominant, and 1.53, if oil phase is dominant.   By looking through the literature, similar studies for single gas-phase flow through nozzles, chokes and other constrictions can be spotted easily. Crane Company’s technical book (1957) has been used as a reference in many studies, showing the following observations: (i) for nozzle-type chokes, the discharge coefficient shows a range of 0.92 - 1.2 for Reynolds Number between 2×103 and 2×106; (ii) for orifice-type chokes, a range of 0.3-1.3 for Reynolds Number of 20-2×106; and (iii) interestingly, when Reynolds Number is above 10,000, the discharge coefficient increases with Reynolds Number for nozzle-type chokes, but decreases for orifice-type chokes. Morris (1996) shows a range of 0.67-0.95 for discharge coefficient of gas flow for most type of safety valves. Richardson, Saville, Fisher, Meredith, and Dix (2008) examined a single-phase natural gas flow through orifice with three different sizes of 8, 10 and 15 millimeter. Their results show a discharge-coefficient range of 0.86 - 0.94 for mass rates below 1 kg/s while almost constant at 0.9 for mass rates between 1-3 kg/s.
  An important observation from the literature search is that many of these studies point out that the discharge coefficient is not a single fixed value, but in general is a function of flow conditions, more specifically, being linearly proportional to NRe-1/2 (Crane Company, 1957; Guo et al., 2002; Ishibashi & Takamoto, 2000; Kim, Kim, & Park, 2006).
  By following the methodology presented by Gajbhiye and Kam (2008) and Kam (2010), which compares the two steady states (one with leak, and the other without leak) and presents the level of disturbance of the system as a function of leak opening size and longitudinal leak location, this study aims to extract the range of leak coefficient (CD) from large field-size leak detection experiments with a single gas phase, and investigates its implication in leak detection modeling. The experimental data which this modeling study is made a fit to are from Scott and Yi (1998) which carried out field-scale flow tests in the Petroleum Engineering Research & Technology Transfer Laboratory (PERTT LAB) at Louisiana State University.
  Our model assumes that the two boundary conditions are fixed inlet flowrate (qin; meaning the feed-in flow rate is known at the entrance of the pipeline) and fixed outlet pressure (pout; meaning the back-pressure at the outlet of the pipeline is kept constant), and calculates the inlet pressure (pin) and the outlet flowrate (qout) in the absence and presence of leak. Therefore, the change in inlet pressure (Δpin) and the change in outlet flowrate (Δqout) serve as two leak detection indicators. It should be noted that deciding which variables should be fixed and which variables should be varied among those four parameters (pin, pout, qin, and qout) for modeling purpose is somewhat arbitrary, therefore the same methodology can be applied to the cases with different boundary conditions.   1. METHODOLOGY
  The actual flowrate of gas phase in pipelines may vary significantly along the longitudinal distance, because many of gas-phase properties such as compressibility, density, and viscosity are sensitive to pressure and temperature. We assume that the pipeline of interest can be approximated by a one-dimensional system, represented by a number of calculation nodes, along which the properties of gas phase change as a function of pressure and temperature. The inlet of the pipeline is defined by input parameters, including pressure, temperature, and gas flow rate.
  Suppose the pressure and temperature information is available at one node (let’s say, ith node). This allows basic gas properties to be decided, for example, gas viscosity from the correlation developed by Lee, Gonzalez, and Eakin (1966) and gas compressibility suggested by Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem (1975). Then, the total pressure gradient at that particular node, i, can be calculated by adding the contribution of three different components, i.e.,
  The large-scale experiments to which our model intends to fit have the following test conditions: methane as a gas phase; 9,460 ft (about 1.8 miles) long horizontal flow loops; 3.64 and 4.5 inch inner and outer diameter pipes; outlet pressure around 610 to 680 psia; injection gas flow rates around 1 to 6 MMscf/day; leak location in the middle of the pipeline; and three leak opening sizes with the diameters of 1/8, 1/4, and 3/8 inches. See Scott and Yi (1998) for more detailed information.
  2.1 Response without Leak vs. Response with Leak
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放学铃声终究还是响了,如一串惊雷划裂我的耳膜。我仔细将试卷折成方块,颤抖着把那个触目惊心的殷红数字层层包裹起来,藏匿在书包晦暗的狭缝里,终于长长地舒了一口气,可心还是怦怦地跳个不停。  黑夜,灯光昏黄朦胧,人头攒动中,我很快瞅见那个翘首盼望的熟悉身影。  “出来啦!”爸爸接过书包转身便走,我尽量用轻松的语调应了一声,默默地跟在他后面。  凝望着那个被夜色氤氲了轮廓的背影,我的心头油然升腾起一丝侥幸
作文是语文的重中之重。为了提高我的写作水平,妈妈和我费了不少功夫,我的作文几乎篇篇成为全班的范文。可最近一段时间,我拒绝了妈妈指导我修改作文的要求。  一次,我的课堂作文得了满分,我便向妈妈炫耀:“没有你的指导,我的作文照样得满分。”妈妈看了看我的作文,说:“你的作文其实没达到满分的水平,老师这是在鼓励你呢。来,我们一起修改吧!”一听还要修改我的满分作文,我的怒火燃烧起来,大声吼道:“我就不改!你
每当我看到那张老照片时,都会有一种浓浓的幸福感涌上心头。照片里,一个小女孩俯在一位中年男子背上,中年男子一手举着伞,一手托着女孩,伞严严实实地遮住了小女孩,中年男子的头却在伞外。我就是照片中的小女孩,中年男子是我的父亲。  这张照片是我六岁时照的。当时妈妈在外地打工,我们一年只能见一两次面,爸爸虽然在家但很忙,没有太多时间照顾我。我总是独自上学,放学后自己回家,可每次在学校见到同学的爸妈接送他们时
我去过的最远的地方是哪儿?  延安·高地  夕阳照耀着山头的塔,春风吹拂过平坦的原野。当我的脚切实地站在这全世界最厚重的黄土地上,那股崇敬之情便充盈在我的心里。不为别的,只为这个念之犹觉其重的地名——延安。  现代便捷的交通无疑缩短了延安到各地的地理距离。可当我的脚踏着延安土地的厚重;当我的手触摸到延安窑壁的坚实;当我的鼻嗅着延安春风的深远;当我的眼观着延安夕阳的磅礴……我忽地感受到一种令人不得不
在叫喊多次未果后,老爸像箭一般朝我这儿飞奔过来。当我意识到大事不妙的时候,已经迟了——我想要把我最喜欢看的《哈利·波特》藏入书柜里,可老爸的大手已经按住了它,用力一抽,书就像泥鳅似的从我手中滑了出去。老爸似乎觉得还不够,又用尽全力把它朝垃圾桶所在的方向扔了出去……  这是暑假的一个下午。午休起床后,我看了看钟,呦,五点半了,睡了四个多小时呀!怪不得厨房里飘来阵阵菜香——老爸又开始做饭了。我走出卧室
时至今日,我依然觉得,解锁学习的那把钥匙就是阅读。  充裕的阅读量会增强你对语言文字的敏感度,提升理解能力。作为一个热爱学习的人,最痛苦的莫过于一段美丽的文字明明就在你眼前,你却无法层层解开它,只能将目光徒留在它的外表上。  有段时间我丢掉了阅读的习惯,最明显的感受是阅读速度下降了不少,见解也变得肤浅,韵味和趣味渐渐读丢了。譬如阅读《孔雀东南飞》,初读时只觉得焦仲卿这人太懦弱,但又痴情,后来在老师
现代人对清代称谓的了解,大多源自清宫戏和戏曲舞台。不过,人们熟知的某些称谓其实是错的。  清朝的皇帝一般自称“朕”或“我”。由于满语不分“朕”和“我”,所以大多数时候用第一人称的“bi”,即满语“我”。面对太后或太上皇,皇帝一般自称“我”“臣”“子皇帝臣”“臣我”。太上皇或太后作为长辈称呼皇帝,一般直接叫“皇帝”,而不叫“皇上”。  皇子们一般称呼皇帝为“汗阿玛”“皇父”或“父皇”。至于清宫戏里常
这天,我遇到初中部的小何同学。他远远地跑过来,亲切地叫上一声:“刘老师好!”然后主动跟我聊天:“刘老师,多亏您当时和我做约定,不然我要当一辈子的‘欠作业大王’了。”想到当初的事情,我笑了:“当年的约定你遵守得很好。”  大约两年前的一个下午,我正坐在办公室里批改作业。一个中年男人拉着一个男生走进来,边走边不停地数落着男生。这个哭丧着脸的男生是我任教班上的小何同学。当时,我才教那个班的语文没多久,却
“无坚不破,唯快不破!”  在周星驰的电影《功夫》当中,邪派第一高手火云邪神用手指夹住了一颗射向他脑门的子弹,然后说出了这么一句经典台词。  这句台词的意思是,无论多么厉害的硬功都有罩门,唯有速度没有罩门——你刚瞧见他的破绽,正要对准破绽一击致命,他的防守已经到了,原有的破绽突然不是破绽了。就像金庸先生在《笑傲江湖》中描写的辟邪剑法那样。  剑招本身并没什么特异,只是出手实在太过突兀,事先绝无半分
前几天,妈妈送了我一本《小狗钱钱》,书中吉亚和小伙伴们的精彩故事深深地吸引住了我。这是一个关于投资理财的故事,书中说,建立自己的账户就像是养了一只鹅,通过投资理财让钱生钱,钱渐渐多起来就是“鹅”肥起来了。这真是有趣!  如饥似渴地看完这本书,我热血沸腾,恨不得马上做点什么事。  首先能做的是盘点“家底”。我“搜刮”出所有的“碎银”,清点了堆积成山的零钱,然后找出一个自己最喜欢的本子,按妈妈的指导打