天津警备区民兵装备仓库党委“一班人”,在仓库条件艰苦、经济基础薄弱的情况下,不等、不靠、不要,用自己的双手和辛勤的汗水把仓库建成了一流仓库。先后5次被总部、军区评为先进单位,两次荣立集体三等功。 1996年初,摆在仓库党委“一班人”面前的是库房破旧、战士宿舍年久失修、库区围墙破损……是等上级拨款再干,还是积极挖掘仓库的潜力。靠自己“造血”强
Tianjin Garrison soldiers militia equipment warehouse party “a group of people”, in the harsh conditions of the warehouse, the economic base is weak, ranging, not rely on, do not, with their own hands and hard sweat warehouse built into a first-class warehouse. Has 5 times by the headquarters, the military as an advanced unit, two times to establish collective third class. In early 1996, placed in front of the warehouse party “a group of people” is the shabby warehouse, hostile quarters for a long time disrepair, damaged walls of the reservoir area ... ... Is such a higher appropriation and then dry, or actively tap the potential of warehouses. By their own “blood” strong