我们水产供销公司档案工作是在市档案局、水产局领导的亲自关怀下建立起来的,现存档114卷,为我公司的生产、管理等项工作提供大量的准确材料、数据,发挥了应有的参考和凭证作用。我们公司是这样抓档案工作的: 一、提高认识加强领导我公司于1956年建立至今已31年。在此期间,公司几经分合,内部机构多次调整,领导和文秘人员多次变换,造成许多档案分
Our aquatic supply and marketing company archives work is established under the personal care of the municipal Archives Bureau and the Bureau of Fisheries and the existing 114 volumes of files provide a large amount of accurate materials and data for our company’s production and management work and have played their due role The reference and voucher role. Our company is to grasp the file work: First, raise awareness and strengthen leadership Our company has been established in 1956 for 31 years. In the meantime, the company after several points, internal organs repeatedly adjusted leadership and secretarial personnel changed many times, resulting in many files