当前,交通运输不能适应工农业生产发展的需要,运输能力与运输需要的矛盾很大,突出地表现在三个方面:(一) 煤炭运输特别是山西煤炭外运能力严重不足。宁夏、内蒙等地区的煤矿不得不“以运定产”。河南省在陇海铁路西段和焦枝铁路洛阳至宝丰段沿线有不少存煤待运。(二) 沿海港口泊位缺少,吞吐能力不足,压船压货严重。目前平均有一条船在港口进行作业,就有一条船在港外等待装卸,阻碍了内外贸物资运输。(三) 在旅客运输方
At present, transportation can not meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production and development. There is a great contradiction between transport capacity and transport needs. It is manifested in three aspects: (1) There is a serious shortage of coal transportation, especially that of Shanxi’s coal transportation. Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other areas of coal mines have “to set production.” Henan province has a lot of coal to be shipped along the western section of the Longhai Railway and the Luoyang-Baofeng section of the Jiaozhi Railway. (B) lack of berths in coastal ports, inadequate handling capacity, ballast Yahu serious. At present, on average, one boat is operating at a port and one boat waits outside the port for loading and unloading, which hinders the transport of domestic and foreign trade goods and materials. (C) in the passenger transport side