Alteon的千兆位(Gigabit)以太网设备超过了快速以太网设备,但是还有许多方面需要完善。最沮丧的事情莫过于将自己的新费拉里赛车一拖出商店陈列室以后就陷入到车水马龙的交通中。在ZD实验室对第一个推出的千兆位以太网设备的测试中,Alteon网络公司的速度守护神AceNIC比快速以太网要快3倍,但低速的硬件和不相称的网络设备立即限制了它的速度。 Alteon的网络接口卡和AceSwitch显然超越了它们的时代——基础设施还不足以支持它
Alteon’s Gigabit Ethernet devices surpass Fast Ethernet devices, but there are many areas that need improvement. The most frustrating thing is that when you drag your new Ferrari car out of the showroom, you’re caught in traffic. In ZD Labs’ first Gigabit Ethernet device rollout, AceNIC, the speed patron of Alteon Networks, was three times faster than Fast Ethernet, but low-speed hardware and disproportionate network equipment immediately limited It’s speed. Alteon’s network interface card and AceSwitch clearly surpassed their time - infrastructure is not enough to support it