Multipath Cognitive Routing in Integrated Multicast Satellite-HAP System Structures

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenming1215
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A new multilayered inter satellite-high altitude platform (HAP) system routing algorithm is proposed,which is mainly based on multipath routing to ensure the network reliability.The proposed multipath routing scheme principally relies on splitting the traffic between different paths to make the best utilization of multiple routes.Linear programming is the main method used for multipath selection.The major constraints to the quality of service (QoS) (delay and link utilization) have been taken into account to meet the criteria of the advanced multimedia applications.Due to the effect of link utilization,the system encounters traffic flow oscillation between paths over time,which affects the system performance.Hence,to fix this issue,we propose a cognitive routing algorithm which reacts to the long-term changes of the traffic loads rather than short-term ones.The performance of the proposed routing techniques has been evaluated using appropriate simulation models and implemented by Matlab. A new multilayered inter satellite-high altitude platform (HAP) system routing algorithm is proposed, which is mainly based on multipath routing to ensure the network reliability. Proposed multipath routing scheme principally relies on splitting the traffic between different paths to make the best utilization of multiple routes. Linear programming is the main method used for multipath selection. The major constraints to the quality of service (QoS) (delay and link utilization) have been taken into account to meet the criteria of the advanced multimedia applications. Due to the effect of link utilization, the system encounters traffic flow oscillation between paths over time, which affects the system performance .ence to fix this issue, we propose a cognitive routing algorithm which reacts to the long-term changes of the traffic loads rather than short -term ones. The performance of the proposed routing techniques has been evaluated using appropriate simulation models and implemented by Matla b.
近年来,陕西省千阳县依靠农民专业合作社及生产大户,利用苹果组培小苗繁育多侧枝大苗,具有成本低、繁育速度快、苗木质量好等优点,其关键技术如下:  1. 选地  选择自然条件优越的区域作为育苗地,要求20年内未栽植过苹果、梨等仁果类果树,周围1千米内没有仁果类的有病毒果园,且地面平整、地势高燥、土壤肥沃(以沙壤土为宜)、不易落霜、非冰雹带,同时要求具备充足水源,安装有滴灌设施,灌溉及时、方便。  2.