“万里”之行 始于足下——宁波万里国际学校小学校长林良富管理思路浅读

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2004年9月,浙江万里学院与英国诺丁汉大学联合在宁波建立的宁波诺丁汉大学首届计划招收的240名本科生正式入学。首批72位诺丁汉大学教授陆续到任。中国学生在家门口就可以享受到世界名校的优质教育资源。浙江万里教育集团的这一举动,将“只要有1%的希望,就要做出100%的努力”的“万里”精神展露无遗,浙江万里教育集团的历史又翻开了新的一页。在“浙江万里”这个拥有从小学到大学本科全部学历教育的教育集团中,小学校长林良富是来自全国各地的教育管理精英中的佼佼者。 In September 2004, 240 Undergraduates enrolled by the first program enrolled by Ningbo University and Nottingham University jointly set up by Ningbo Wanli University and Nottingham University in the United Kingdom entered the school. The first batch of 72 Nottingham University professors arrive one after another. Chinese students at their doorsteps can enjoy the world’s elite high-quality educational resources. This move of Zhejiang Wanli Education Group fully reveals the “Wanli” spirit of “100% hard work with only 1% hope” and the history of Zhejiang Wanli Education Group has opened a new page. Among the “Zhejiang Wanli” education groups that have all the academic qualifications of education from primary to undergraduate, Lin Liangfu, a primary school principal, is a leader in education management elites from all over the country.
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