
来源 :湖北农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwh777
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我县利用金小蜂防治棉花仓库红铃虫已有十四年的历史。十多年来,金小蜂的饲养繁殖数量不断增加,投放范围逐渐扩大,取得了良好防治效果。1959年开始饲养金小蜂,全县繁蜂量10万余头,投放到四个产棉公社和棉花收购站、轧花厂的棉仓共63个。1965年繁蜂量增加到1,387万头,投放范围扩大到七个公社各农户和全县七区、三镇、四个农场的4,200多个棉仓。以后每年繁蜂量均在500—1,000万头之间,使全县38万亩棉田大大减轻了红铃虫为害。从棉仓调查的结 My county use golden bee to control cotton warehouse pink bollworm has fourteen years of history. For more than a decade, the breeding population of golden bees has been steadily increasing, the scope of delivery gradually expanded, and good control effects have been achieved. Golden beekeepers began feeding in 1959, the county more than 100,000 bees were spent, put into four cotton communes and cotton acquisition stations, cotton ginning a total of 63 stalls. In 1965, the number of breeders increased to 13.87 million. The number of breeders was expanded to more than 4,200 cotton silos in seven commune households and seven districts, three towns and four farms in the county. Since then, the annual amount of heavy bees are between 500 and 10,000,000 heads each year, which has greatly reduced the population of Red Helmets in 380000 acres of cotton fields throughout the county. Knot from the cotton warehouse survey
为了适应水稻直播田化学除草的需要,我们对东北三省部分地区水稻直播田化学除草做了一些调查,并进行了二甲四氯和敌稗(“二敌”合剂)灭草试验。一、直播田杂草调查 In orde
奇妙的是,我们心中总是清清楚楚地知道,谁是受欢迎的人物。但遗憾的是,这个人往往不是自己。 The wonderful thing is, we always know clearly in our hearts who are welc
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目的研究渥曼青霉素(Wortmannin)联合丝裂霉素C(mitomycin C,MMC)对肝癌HepG-2细胞增殖、凋亡及相关基因Cyclin D1、Bad表达的影响。方法实验分4组,对照组:未处理的HepG-2细
1977年,我们在北郊公社董家沟大队10亩地上,进行了敌敌畏毒土防治大豆食心虫的试验,把虫食率压低到5.8%,而用敌敌畏秫秸瓤熏蒸的.虫食率为6.6%。1978年西郊公社团 In 1977,