三、“富国强军”梦的破灭 天津机器局在当时来说,规模虽大,设备也较先进,但是,它的性质并不属于资本主义工业,因为它创办的目的不是为了追求利润,而是追求使用价值。它的产品不是拿到市场上去出售,而是直接拨给清朝军队使用。它具有两重性质,一是封建性,一是买办性。这样的军事工业,实际上是封建社会官营军火工业的继续,具有浓厚的封建性。它的所有权属于清政府,生产不计成本,无所谓盈亏,一切经费
Third, the “prosperity of the rich and powerful” dream burst Tianjin Machinery Bureau at the time, the scale is large, more advanced equipment, but its nature does not belong to the capitalist industry, because it is not the purpose of the founder of the pursuit of profit, and Is the pursuit of value. Its products are not sold in the market, but directly allocated to the Qing army. It has a dual nature, one feudal, one comprador sex. Such a military industry is actually a continuation of the military industry in the feudal society and has a strong feudal character. Its ownership belongs to the Qing government, production regardless of cost, does not matter profit and loss, all funding