,Adaptation Decision Support: An Application of System Dynamics Modeling in Coastal Communities

来源 :国际灾害风险科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxj364199013
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This research develops and applies a system dynamics (SD) model for the strategic evaluation of environmental adaptation options for coastal communities.The article defines and estimates asset-based measures for community vulnerability,resilience,and adaptive capacity with respect to the environmental,economic,social,and cultural pillars of the coastal community under threat.The SD model simulates the annual multidimensional dynamic impacts of severe coastal storms and storm surges on the community pillars under alteative adaptation strategies.The calculation of the quantitative measures provides valuable information for decision makers for evaluating the alteative strategies.The adaptation strategies are designed model results illustrated for the specific context of the coastal community of Charlottetown,Prince Edward Island,Canada.The dynamic trend of the measures and model sensitivity analyses for Charlottetown-facing increased frequency of severe storms,storm surges,and sea-level rise-provide impetus for enhanced community strategic planning for the changing coastal environment.This research is presented as part of the Inteational Community-University Research Alliance C-Change project "Managing Adaptation to Environmental Change in Coastal Communities:Canada and the Caribbean" sponsored by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Inteational Development Resource Centre.
不同播期条件下合理利用基本苗和氮肥构建小麦合理群体是稻茬小麦实现高产稳产的重要举措。试验于2012-2014年在扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室试验场进行,以中筋小麦光明麦1号为材料,采用二次正交旋转组合设计建立数学回归模型,研究稻茬小麦播期、密度、施氮量组合对产量、氮肥表观利用率(Utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer, NUR)、品质、群体质量及剑叶
[摘 要] 社会经济的迅猛发展对新工科建设提出了迫切需求,聚焦新工科背景下教学质量监控体系建设研究有着重要的现实意义。通过从工程人才培养的教学质量监控现状着手,结合实际工作,提出了新工科背景下教学质量监控体系改进的措施与建议,以期更好地满足新工科背景下提高地方高校工程人才培养质量的要求。  [关键词] 新工科;教学质量;监控体系  [中图分类号]G647 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008
[摘 要] 审核评估背景下高校本科教学工作要求高校教学质量保障体系建设应运用新的理念和新的方法。成果导向教育理念与审核评估工作在目标定位、操作原则和分析范式方面有着诸多内在的契合。我国高校可以尝试运用成果导向教育理念设计符合学校实际情况的教学质量内部可持续改进体系,从而达到“以评促改、以评促建、以评促管、评建结合、重在建设”的目的,切实提升高校人才培养和教学质量。  [关键词] 审核评估;成果导向
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