
来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tang355402
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一、年发生世代数及世代的划分我县稻纵卷叶螟,以往一贯认为年发生六代。以4月中、下旬出现的蛾子为第一代,5、6、7、8、9月依次为二、三、四、五、六代。几年来观察,实际年发生八代。在3月中、下旬每年有零生蛾子出现,4月上半月,有小批量的迁入蛾,应算作第一代;在10月下旬至11月上旬,还有一批蛾子出现,并能继续产卵孵化成为越冬虫源,应算作第八代。这样正好和全国统一划分的世代相吻合。 First, the occurrence of generational generation and generational division My county rice leafroll, in the past has always believed that six generations occur. In April, late moths are the first generation, and the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth months are the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth generations. Observed in recent years, the actual occurrence of eight generations. In mid-March and late-mid-year, zero-born moths emerge each year. In the first half of April, small quantities of migratory moths should be counted as the first generation. From late October to early November, a group of moths appeared and could Continue to spawn hatch become overwintering source, should be counted as the eighth generation. This happens to coincide with the generation of a unified national division.
1988年5月大兴安岭林区的火烧迹地上食叶害虫——黑地狼夜蛾 Ochropleura fennica(Tauscher)大发生,危害针阔叶树幼苗、幼树,严重影响森林的更新。5月7日在图强林业局发现其
通过对病区调查、室内人工接种和病区自然接种等方法鉴别南方几种松树对褐斑病的抗性表明:本地树种马尾松(Pinus massoniana)最为抗病,火炬松(Pinus taeda)次之,湿地松(Pinus
本文报道中国产长节叶蜂科Xyelidae、长节叶蜂属Xyela一新种。模式标本保存于中国林业科学研究院森林昆虫标本馆内。 This article reports on a new species of Xyelidae,
粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)在本区历年仅第一代发生量多,为害三麦较重。1981—1983年稻田粘虫大发生。1983年,发生为害面积200万亩。亩虫量一般1—2万头,多达20—30万头
Objective Currently, China is in short of thorough and systemic data concerning the patterns and incidence of injuries and related deaths. Guangdong Province