白水门水库位于永丰县城上游十公里处,集雨面积26平方公里,1958年冬动工,1960年春建成。大坝为均质土坝,最大坝高23.5米,坝顶高程123.5米,坝顶长度130米,是一座蓄水2270万立米的中型水库。设计灌田2.7万亩,十多年来为下游农业增产作出了较大贡献。 1976年汛期,当水库水位119.5米时,背水坡出现直径1.6米深2米左右的大跌窝和一条长20多米宽一指的大裂缝,呈滑坡现象。反滤棱体的右边大量漏出浑水(位置见图),工程
Baishuimen Reservoir is located ten kilometers upstream of Yongfeng County, rainfall area of 26 square kilometers, started the winter of 1958, built in the spring of 1960. The dam is a homogeneous earth dam with a maximum dam height of 23.5 meters, an elevation of 123.5 meters and a crest length of 130 meters. It is a medium-sized reservoir of 22.7 million cubic meters of water. 2.7 million mu of irrigated land have been designed and made greater contributions to the agricultural production in the lower reaches over the past decade. In the flood season of 1976, when the water level of the reservoir was 119.5 meters, a large drop of 1.6 meters in diameter and 2 meters in depth occurred on the backwater slope and a large crack of more than 20 meters in width led to landslide. A large number of anti-filtered prism leaked muddy water right (see location map), works