当投保车辆发生保险责任范围内的事故时,投保人如何及时有效地办理索赔手续呢? (1)当投保车辆失事后,应立即采取合理的保护、施救措施,避免损失进一步扩大,并立即向当地事故处理机关报案,同时通知所投保的保险公司;之后,要填写“机动车出险登记表”和“机动车辆保?
When an insured vehicle covers an accident within the scope of its insurance coverage, how can the insured apply for the claim timely and effectively? (1) When the insured vehicle crashes, reasonable protection and rescue measures should be taken immediately to prevent the loss from further expanding and immediately Report to the local accident handling organ, at the same time notify the insured insurer; after that, it is necessary to fill out the Registration Form for Motor Vehicle Accident and Motor Vehicle Security