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苏霍姆林斯基说:“班级建设的最高境界是形成一种平和愉悦的精神共同体——它既是教育工作追求的自然归属,也是我们的快乐所在。”毫无疑问,这是教育管理的极致,是每一位教育工作者,特别是班主任老师值得倾力追求的目标。但是,在新的教育环境下,班主任处理一些班级问题的 Sukhomlinski said: “The highest realm of class construction is the formation of a peaceful and happy community of spirits - it is both the natural attribution of educational pursuit and our happiness.” There is no doubt that this is education. The ultimate in management is the goal that every educator, especially the teacher in charge of a class, is eager to pursue. However, in the new educational environment, the head teacher handles some class problems.
高考数学试题的选择题注重多个知识点的小型综合,渗透各种数学思想和方法,能否在选择题上获取高分,对高考数学成绩影响重大.解答选择题要准确、迅速,只有这样才能赢得时间,获取高分,因此我们必须采用合适的解题方法.    ■   直接法就是直接从题设条件出发,运用有关概念、性质、定理、法则和公式等知识,通过严密的推理和准确的运算,从而得出正确选项的方法.   ■ 已知抛物线C:y2=4x的焦