庙台槭(Acer miaotaiense)属槭树科落叶高大乔木,已被列为我国三级保护植物,稀有种。对其花的构造,从该种被发现至今将近33年时间,一直未见有补充报道。1992年春季,我园引种栽培的庙台槭首次开花结果,现将观察结果报道如下。庙台槭株高5.0~5.3m,胸径3.88~6.10cm;7年生实生苗即可现蕾、开花和结果。无毛的总状伞房花序着生在幼枝顶端,直立,长2.82~3.24cm,宽3.67~3.77cm;每
Acer miaotaiense is a tall tree with deciduous maple branch, which has been classified as the third grade protected plant and rare species in our country. Its flower structure, from the species was found so far nearly 33 years, has not seen any additional reports. The spring of 1992, my garden introduction and cultivation of Temple Taiwan maple flowering results for the first time, the observations are reported below. Temple maple height 5.0 ~ 5.3m, DBH 3.88 ~ 6.10cm; 7-year-old seedlings can budding, flowering and the results. Processed with glabrous total-like corymbs on inflorescences, erect, 2.82-3.24 cm long, 3.67-3.77 cm wide; each