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近年来,我国正处在一个重要的历史发展时期。经济领域下行压力不容乐观,增长速度、结构调整都遭遇到历史的转折点。社会维稳、党风廉政建设、反腐败斗争也面临着非常严峻的形势。在新的形势面前,如何调整心态,坚定信心,既坚持底线思维、战略思维,又保持忧患心、平常心,是每一位企业领导特别是思想政治工作者必须以为人民群众服务、为广大职工谋福祉为己任,坚定不移地在服务、维稳、安全、转型升级、提质增效等方面奉献自己的“光和热”。文章对新形势下如何做好职工的思想政治工作,更好地推动企业健康发展进行了探讨。 In recent years, our country is at an important period of historical development. The downward pressure on the economic field can not be optimistic, and the growth rate and structural adjustment have all encountered turning points in history. Social stability, the building of a clean government and the anti-corruption struggle are also facing a very serious situation. In the face of the new situation, it is necessary for every enterprise leader, especially the ideological and political workers, to adjust their mentality and strengthen their confidence so that they not only uphold the bottom line thinking and strategic thinking but also maintain a worry-hearted attitude and common sense. They must serve the masses and serve the broad masses Staff and workers seek their own well-being, unswervingly in the service, stability, security, transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency aspects of their own “light and heat ”. The article discusses how to do a good job of the ideological and political work of the workers under the new situation and better promote the healthy development of the enterprises.
目的 观察1,6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)治疗缺血性心肌病(ICM)并急性心力衰竭的疗效。方法 将78例ICM合并急性心衰患者随机分成FDP组和对照组。对照组给予常规治疗,FDP组在对照组治疗基础