5月18日,绿地集团境外全资附属公司与中国润东汽车集团有限公司(以下简称“润东汽车”;香港联交所股票编号:01365)、Rundong Fortune(润东汽车现控股股东)签署认购协议,绿地集团境外全资附属公司有条件同意认购润东汽车有条件同意配发及发行的总共536,270,747股认购股份,认购价为每股认购股份2.89港元,总认购价为1,549,822,459港元。认购完成后,绿地集团境外全资附属公司将拥有润东汽车
On May 18, the overseas wholly-owned subsidiary of Greenland Group and China Run East Motor Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Run East Motor”; Hong Kong Stock Exchange Stock Code: 01365), Rundong Fortune (the controlling shareholder of Run East Motor ), A wholly-owned overseas subsidiary of Greenland Group conditionally agreed to subscribe for a total of 536,270,747 Subscription Shares conditionally conditionally agreed to be allotted and issued by Rundong Vehicle at a subscription price of HK $ 2.89 per Subscription Share and a total Subscription Price of HK $ 1,549,822,459. Upon completion of the Subscription, a wholly-owned overseas subsidiary of Greenland Group will own Rundong Motor