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在每个人的一生中,由于自然的和社会的原因,都有可能永久的或暂时的失去劳动和谋生的可能和机会。例如,由于自然规律,每个人都会年老退休;由于工伤事故,人们可能致残,部分或全部丧失劳动能力;由于经济波动,有人可能在短期或较长时期内失业;由于疾病的侵害,需要体息和治疗,等等。总之,这一切都涉及到每个人的生存权利和生活福利。由于这些问题的发生,并不是个人主观能够决定的事情,因而需要社会作出相应的安排。这就构成了建立社会保障制度的主要依据和基本内容。因而,所谓社会保障制度就是国家以法律、政策、规章的形式,界定和保护以劳动者为主的社会成员的基本生存权利,目的在于保证劳动者从事社会劳动和社会生活的正常身心状态,从而保证整个社会经济的正常发展。社会保障包括社会保险和社会救济,根据国际劳工组织的归纳,社会保险的内容包括,生育社会保险、失业社会保险、工伤社会保险、疾病社会保险、老年社会保险、死亡或遗属社会保 In each person’s life, due to natural and social causes, there is a possibility that opportunities and opportunities for labor and livelihood will be lost permanently or temporarily. For example, because of the laws of nature, everyone retires from age to age; people may become disabled, partially or fully incapacitated by work-related accidents; someone may lose their jobs in the short or long term due to economic fluctuations; due to illness, Bodybuilding and healing, and more. In short, all this involves everyone’s right to life and welfare. Since the occurrence of these problems is not a matter that can be decided by the individual subjectively, it is necessary for the society to make corresponding arrangements. This constitutes the main basis for establishing a social security system and the basic content. Therefore, the so-called social security system is that the state defines and protects the basic subsistence rights of laborers as the social members in the form of laws, policies and regulations. The purpose is to ensure the normal physical and mental state of labors engaged in social labor and social life. To ensure the normal social and economic development. Social security includes social insurance and social relief. According to the ILO’s generalization, social insurance includes social insurance for childbirth, social insurance for joblessness, social insurance for work-related injury, social insurance for diseases, social security for the elderly, social security for death or survivors
为了提高固井质量及封隔不同压力的地层 ,提出了一系列技术和工艺设备 ,尤其详述了一种不注水泥的异形堵漏筒局部加固井壁技术。该技术成功地封堵了裂缝孔洞状岩石中的泥浆漏
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