玫瑰花在平阴县已有六百余年的栽培历史,特别是重瓣红玫瑰(Rose rugosa C.V.Plena)以其花色艳丽,香气纯正,浓郁丰满,自成独特香韵风格而驰名中外.玫瑰花不仅是园林绿化和制作切花的重要花卉,而且是重要的香料植物.从玫瑰花中提炼的精油,含有玫瑰醚、橙花醚、香叶醇、丁香酚等三十多种化合物,是天然香料的珍品,广泛用于香料工业和食品工业,其价格比黄金还要
Rose has been cultivated for more than 600 years in Pingyin County, especially Rose rugosa CVPlena, renowned for its beautiful colors, pure aroma, full-bodied and unique fragrance style. Flower is not only an important flower for landscaping and making cut flowers, but also an important fragrant plant.Its essential oil extracted from roses contains more than thirty kinds of compounds such as rose ether, nerolidol, geraniol and eugenol, Spice treasures, widely used in spices industry and food industry, the price even more than gold