特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenic pupura,ITP)是一种免疫介导的血小板减少症,其特点是患者血液中含有抗血小板抗体,致使血小板破坏过多,并抑制骨髓中巨核细胞的发育,引起皮肤黏膜及内脏出血等表现。中医认为,本病多由血热之邪所致,兼伤及气阴,络损血溢,瘀血阻滞。治疗上,现代医学主张首选皮质类固醇激素,其次为脾切除和免疫抑制剂等,但有效率均不高,远期疗效差,且有一定的副作用。中医对本病的治疗方法很多,常使用凉血解毒,止血活血,化瘀,益气滋阴等方法,在中西药两者配合治疗效果中,此药的治愈率明显高于西药的治愈效果。故本文对ITP的发病机制、诊断及治疗的进展进行综述。
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic pupura (ITP) is an immune-mediated thrombocytopenia characterized by the presence of anti-platelet antibodies in the patient’s bloodstream, resulting in excessive platelet destruction and inhibition of the development of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow , Causing skin mucosa and visceral bleeding and other performance. Chinese medicine believes that the disease is mostly caused by the blood of the evil, and both qi and yin, loss of blood flow, blood stasis. Treatment, modern medicine advocate preferred corticosteroids, followed by splenectomy and immunosuppressive agents, but the efficiency is not high, the long-term efficacy is poor, and have some side effects. Chinese medicine treatment of the disease are many, often use cooling blood detoxification, bleeding, blood circulation, Qi and Ziyin and other methods, the two drugs in the treatment of Chinese and Western medicine, the cure rate of the drug was significantly higher than the cure of Western medicine . Therefore, this article summarizes the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of ITP.