目的总结经尿道电切开窗治疗小儿输尿管囊肿的经验及疗效。方法1988—2003年采用经尿道电切开窗治疗小儿输尿管囊肿88例共134个。年龄2个月~13岁,男37例,女51例。双侧46例,单侧42例。术前症状:排尿困难42例、泌尿系感染13例、腹痛22例、血尿6例、尿道口囊肿脱出9例、膀胱输尿管返流(VUR)3例。合并双侧重肾双输尿管25例、单侧重肾双输尿管20例、肾/半肾积水18例、囊肿内结石4例、输尿管异位开口1例。膀胱镜直视下囊肿切开:直径≤2 cm囊肿采用基底部横切口,>2 cm囊肿采用顶部纵切口,双侧囊肿同时切开。其中2例电切2次,其余均为1次切开。结果随访6个月~15年。VUR 13例:VUR>Ⅳ度4例,1年后行抗返流性输尿管膀胱再植痊愈;9例4年内VUR消失。肾/半肾积水18例:15例3年内、3例10年后积水消失。88例患儿术后1年囊肿均消失。结论经尿道电切开窗治疗小儿输尿管囊肿是一种安全、简单、有效的微创疗法。
Objective To summarize the experience and curative effect of transurethral resection of the urethral cyst in children. Methods A total of 134 88 cases of pediatric ureteral cyst were treated with transurethral resection of the window during 1988-2003. Age 2 months to 13 years old, 37 males and 51 females. 46 cases of bilateral, unilateral in 42 cases. Preoperative symptoms: dysuria in 42 cases, urinary tract infection in 13 cases, abdominal pain in 22 cases, hematuria in 6 cases, urethral cysts in 9 cases, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in 3 cases. 25 patients with bilateral double kidney double ureter, unilateral renal double ureter in 20 cases, renal / semi hydronephrosis in 18 cases, cyst 4 cases of stone, ureter ectopic opening in 1 case. Cystoscopic cyst under direct incision: diameter ≤ 2 cm cyst using basal transverse incision,> 2 cm cyst using the top longitudinal incision, bilateral cyst at the same time incision. Among them, 2 cases were electrosurgically resected twice and the others were all incised. The results were followed up for 6 months to 15 years. VUR 13 cases: VUR> Ⅳ degree in 4 cases, anti-reflux ureteral bladder 1 year after the cure; 9 cases of VUR disappeared within 4 years. Renal / hydronephrosis in 18 cases: 15 cases within 3 years, 3 cases 10 years after the disappearance of water. 88 cases of children with cysts disappeared after 1 year. Conclusion Transurethral resection of the ureter in children with pediatric ureteral cyst is a safe, simple and effective minimally invasive therapy.